A curiosity about Ellero Valley that could excite mystery enthusiasts: in the eighties and nineties there were
some mysterious sightings of bright spheres in that area. An explanation for the phenomenon has never
been found. The first case dates back to 1982, when a shepherd saw a big red disk, emanating a noise
similar to the beating of wings, appear above his house in Dossi. The object, which was rotating, paused
briefly before vanishing into thin air. Fourteen years later, in the same area near San Rocco’s pillar, a red
sphere was spotted, which this time flew towards Bisalta (a mountain which, regarding mysterious
phenomena, boasts a vast number of anecdotes). The sightings of bright spheres continued through the
years 1995 and 1996, reaching a peak in 1997 and 1998, after which they became less frequent, reduced to
a few sporadic sightings. In all cases, we are talking about red-orange spheres, that left behind a blueish

What is it all about? Until now it has been impossible to give a satisfactory explanation. Collective
hallucination induced by suggestion? Supernatural apparitions? Or, and this is the hypothesis that most
convinces the scientists, could it be ball lightning? Although it must be said that the dimensions are
considerable when compared to the cases observed until now. In any case, in the event of an excursion to
the Ellero Valley, keep your eyes peeled.